All in a flap

I read "All in a flap".

"Good idea, Mouse," Ben agreed.
"You bring something special back this afternoon, Donut. Then we'll show you the secret room."

Friends were playing on the swings in the park. Jojo stood on her seet and began to swing backwards and forwards. But, Grumpyboots scold
Them because swings are for sitting on.
After that, they wemt to secret room.
Mouse had not ever been there, so he have to bring something special to know where it is. He brought a parrot and the friends permited him to come there.

this is the first time I've learned that swings aren't allowed to stand.

high squawk 高い声でガーガー鳴く


  1. Grumpyboots scold

    Grumpyboots scolded them

    they wemt to secret room
    they went to a secret room




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