Ben and the Ghost

I read “Ben and the Ghost” Mr and Mrs King were going out for the night. They had an invitation. They left Ben and Tessa of their children to the grandparents. When Ben and Tessa got grandparents' house, the table in the front room was loaded with food and it looked and smelled wonderful. After they had finished eating grandpa put some music on and He began to whirl Tessa round the room. Grandma grabbed Ben and they whirled. Until they all crashed into each other and fell over. they could not stop laughing. When bedtime came and soon Ben and Tessa were both fast asleep. In the middle of the night Ben woke up and a white shape drifted past the end of the bed. “A ghost! there was a ghost in the bedroom" he yelled out. Tessa woke up and began screaming. “Ghost! Ghost! She could not see the ghost, but she screamed anyway. After that grandpa came into the room he revealed that they took Ben's T-shirt for the ghost. I think it is childish to mistake the T-shirt for the ghost and that reminds me of my childhood.



Pirates Ahoy!

All in a flap