Beyond Strange Street

I read "Beyond Strange Street".
Sam lay in bed with her fingers in her ears. With all that noise coming from the room next door, the television was turned up, but she could still hear loud, cross voices.
she got out of bed, headed for a empty lift and said "time to visit Strange Street, I think". A magic button was there. One push, and she would be in Strange Street again.
However, that place is different to what she was thinking and she got a shock.
She walked through many trees on and on.  There is the strangest little creature she had ever seen, which was covered in tufty hair and has two big ears. His name is Obby and he was looking for his glasses. And then, she helped him look for his glasses and found these ones. In reward for that help, he summoned the lift and she was able to get back to her home.
I thought she might wander in the for a life time, but I relieved that she can go back to her home.



Pirates Ahoy!

All in a flap