The Christmas Disco

I read “The Christmas Disco”. Everyone
at Story Street School was excited. It was almost Christmas. Inside the school it was dark and noisy. Music was throbbing through the hall. “Come on”shouted Sam. “Let's go and dance!”The children ran to the middle of the hall, and began to dance. And then suddenly everything went black, was silent and still. the children complained about the blackout. Some of the parents began to talk to each other. “We have some ideas,”said Ben's father.The parents ran back up Story Street and searched their houses for as many torches and camping lights as they could find. it did not take long to bring some light into the hall. “We still don't have any music,”said Ben.“This works on batteries,”Sam’smiled, and she switched radio cassette player on. After that, this party was the best Christmas ever and everyone enjoyed this time. I think using Ben's father's wit is great. If the party had ended, it would have a disappointing party.


  1. Everyone at Story Street School
    Everyone at Story Street School
    Use hankaku spaces only.




Pirates Ahoy!

All in a flap