Vanishing Cream

I read“Vanishing Cream. children made a little theatre. The children put on a play and the play was about wizard Blot. Biff was in her room and the key began to glow.“Chip! Chip!”called Biff. Chip ran into Biff's room and the magic took them inside the little house. The magic took them to Wizard Blot's house. “Come in!”said Wizard. Biff and Chip looked at the mess and the Wizard forced them to clean the room up.Wizard said“don't be lazy or I'll turn you into frogs.”When they cleaned up, Biff dropped a bottle. It was Vanishing cream. Biff and Chip vanished. After that, a man came to the house and climbed through the window. The man did not see Biff and Chip. He took all the wizard's computer disks. “Help!Help! I'm being attacked by the washing. wizard Blot came back. Chip gave wizard Blot the computer disks and the Wizard was pleased. It was time to go home. I think Biff and Chip is great to help The Wizard and beat the robber.



Pirates Ahoy!

All in a flap